Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Getting Plastered!

trowel It looks like I managed to go an entire calendar month without making a blog post. The weird thing is that it isn't for lack of interesting things to say. I'm going to start doing a post a day for a while to get myself into some kind of habit.

So why am I posting now? Because I have a valuable life lesson to share with anyone who will listen. It is this:- *NEVER* attempt to plaster a wall. That is all.

I set about renovating a bedroom a couple of weeks ago. Ordered new bedroom furniture - no problem. Bought a nice new floor and paid someone to fit it - no problem. The only job left was the walls. They're horribly damaged and extremely porous, looking something like pumice stone. So I figured i'd pay someone to skim the walls with plaster, except that it was going to cost about £200, and i'd seen an advert on TV for a product called SmoothOver which (if their advertisement is to be believed) allows you to create perfectly flat walls that are ready to paint in a matter of minutes (the guy in the advert even looked happy to be doing it). So in my infinite wisdom I bought some and figured i'd save myself a bunch of money and do it myself.

What followed was possibly the worst three days of my life spent slopping goo over the walls and discovering that plasterers charge a lot of money for a reason. When I was done the walls still looked awful and needed completely sanding down, so I took a day off work and bought a sander. It was only a couple of hours work, but was split into cycles of sanding for five minutes until there was so much dust I could barely see my hands in front of my face, then coughing, hacking and recovering for half an hour before starting again.

The moral of this story is to realise that if a plasterer wouldn't be very good at doing your job, you're probably not very good at his job either.

1 comment:

MattJ said...

You'd think I would get tired of saying told you so wouldn't you?