Monday, September 24, 2007

Sentient Cables

You will obviously be familiar with the fundamental law of the universe which dictates that any two cables left in one place for any period of time will become knotted and intertwined. I intend to document a related phenomenon known as the "tangled telephone cable paradox". The phone on Sam's desk next to me will, over the course of time, become twisted into a small ball which makes it necessary to lower one's head to desk level to answer it.

exhibitaIn the spirit of scientific discovery, I have untangled his cable (see exhibit A) and will be recording it's re-entanglement over time, and speculating as to the cause of entanglement. The repercussions on our understanding of the universe could be immense and profound.

exhibitbUPDATE: In a staggeringly fast turn of events, the cable has already developed its first tangle (see exhibit B). This appears to have been a spontaneous entanglement. I am, as yet, drawing no firm conclusions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,
It looks like a bunch of scientist have tried and solved the mystery
of tangles cables